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“It’s Eggs!” Bravo Bouquet


The “It’s Eggs” Bravo Bouquet is a clever, fun, egg-tastic arrangement of white daisies, yellow button mums, and small bursts of yellow alstroemeria in a bright, tomato-red vase. Look carefully to find a plump cherry tomato nestled amongst the blooms. Make your performer smile backstage as they prepare to perform their best.

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All Bravo Bouquet designs are created with the show and its performers in mind. Place your order for one of these show-specific Bravo Bouquets and the team at Picket Fence Foundation will hand deliver it backstage at the performance you choose at no additional cost. Write a card message to your performer in the space provided to add it to the arrangement. Please note, the default fulfillment setting on our website is “pickup” at our shop in Chillicothe. Please disregard this as all Bravo Bouquets will be dropped off backstage by hand at each performance, depending on the performance indicated on the order.

Stop by the Picket Fence Foundation Pop Up Shop at the show to say hi and see our Jr. Associates at work! We’ll be creating carnation  presentation arrangements on site, which you can deliver to your performer at the end of the show!

Thank you for supporting Picket Fence Foundation with your purchase of these unique arrangements. We believe that in the right environment, and with the right support, all of us can contribute, grow, and thrive. Your support makes that possible.